1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Fyodor Dostoevsky: "Begitu ada orang di dekat saya, kepribadiannya men...

"Begitu ada orang di dekat saya, kepribadiannya mengganggu kepuasan diri saya dan membatasi kebebasan saya. Dalam dua puluh empat jam saya mulai membenci pria terbaik: satu karena dia terlalu lama makan malam; lain karena dia pilek dan terus meniup hidungnya. Saya menjadi memusuhi orang-orang saat mereka mendekati saya. Tetapi selalu terjadi bahwa semakin saya membenci pria secara individu semakin bersemangat cinta saya pada kemanusiaan."

--- Fyodor Dostoevsky

Versi Bahasa Inggris

As soon as any one is near me, his personality disturbs my self-complacency and restricts my freedom. In twenty-four hours I begin to hate the best of men: one because he's too long over his dinner; another because he has a cold and keeps on blowing his nose. I become hostile to people the moment they come close to me. But it has always happened that the more I detest men individually the more ardent becomes my love for humanity.