1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "Dia selalu sakit kepala, atau terlalu panas,...

"Dia selalu sakit kepala, atau terlalu panas, selalu, atau dia pura-pura tidur, atau dia mengalami menstruasi lagi, menstruasi, selalu menstruasi. Begitu banyak sehingga Dr. Urbino berani mengatakan di kelas, hanya untuk menghilangkan beban dirinya tanpa pengakuan, bahwa setelah sepuluh tahun menikah, wanita mengalami menstruasi sesering tiga kali seminggu."

--- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Versi Bahasa Inggris

She always had a headache, or it was too hot, always, or she pretended to be asleep, or she had her period again, her period, always her period. So much so that Dr. Urbino had dared to say in class, only for the relief of unburdening himself without confession, that after ten years of marriage women had their periods as often as threes times a week.