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Gavin Newsom: "Presiden ini Barack Obama telah berbuat lebih banyak un...

"Presiden ini Barack Obama telah berbuat lebih banyak untuk komunitas LGBT daripada presiden manapun dalam sejarah. Itu hanya fakta objektif. Dan warisannya aman dalam hal kemajuan hak-hak komunitas LGBT, dari 'Don't Ask', 'Don't Tell' hingga dukungannya untuk membatalkan Undang-Undang Pertahanan Perkawinan, dan tentu saja kesetaraan pernikahan, pekerjaan tentang HIV dan AIDS, dan hal-hal lain."

--- Gavin Newsom

Versi Bahasa Inggris

This president Barack Obama has done more for the LGBT community than any president in history. It's just an objective fact. And his legacy is secure in terms of the advancement of the rights of the LGBT community, from 'Don't Ask', 'Don't Tell' to his support for overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, and of course marriage equality, work on HIV and AIDS, and other things.