George A. Sheehan: "Studi tentang motivasi kembali ke Yunani. Olahraga...
"Studi tentang motivasi kembali ke Yunani. Olahraga mereka sangat penting untuk pendidikan mereka. Mereka melihat dalam olahraga integrasi tubuh, pikiran dan jiwa, penciptaan keindahan, penguasaan atletik, dan tantangan kompetisi. Seorang sosiolog Prancis menunjukkan hal ini. "Olahraga," tulisnya, adalah bagian dari pendidikan warga. Dia diharapkan melakukan latihan karena serangkaian alasan yang ada hubungannya dengan pembentukan warga negara; hubungan antara kebaikan moral dan kebaikan fisik; dan pertumbuhan seseorang."
--- George A. SheehanVersi Bahasa Inggris
The study of motivation goes back to the Greeks. Their sports were essential to their education. They saw in sports the integration of body, mind and soul, the creation of beauty, the mastering of athletics, and the challenge of competition. A French sociologist points this out. "Sports," he wrote, was part of the education of the citizen. He was expected to engage in exercise for a whole series of reasons that had to do with the shaping of the citizen; the relation between moral good and physical good; and the growth of a person.
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