1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

George R. R. Martin: "Kadang-kadang saya berpikir beberapa rekan penul...

"Kadang-kadang saya berpikir beberapa rekan penulis novel saya yang belum bekerja di televisi dan film sangat naif tentang proses ini. Mereka mendapat tawaran dan ada truk sampah penuh uang dan mereka menandatanganinya, mereka mencairkan cek dan kemudian mereka tidak terlibat dalam seri. Mereka mungkin diundang ke pemutaran perdana dan mereka keluar dari pemutaran perdana itu tampak seperti semua anak-anak mereka baru saja dibunuh, dengan ekspresi kaget di wajah mereka karena semuanya telah berubah."

--- George R. R. Martin

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Sometimes I think some of my fellow novelists who have not worked in television and film are very naive about this process. They get an offer and there's the dump truck full of money and they sign it, they cash the check and then they're not involved in the series. They may get invited to the premiere and they come out of the premiere looking like all of their children had just been gassed, with a stunned look on their face because everything has been changed.