1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

George R. R. Martin: "Jarum adalah Robb, Bran, dan Rickon, ibu dan aya...

"Jarum adalah Robb, Bran, dan Rickon, ibu dan ayahnya, bahkan Sansa. Jarum adalah dinding abu-abu Winterfell, dan tawa rakyatnya. Jarum adalah salju musim panas, kisah-kisah Nan Tua, pohon jantung dengan dedaunan merah dan wajah menyeramkan, aroma tanah hangat dari taman-taman kaca, suara angin utara menggetarkan daun-daun jendela kamarnya. Jarum adalah senyum Jon Snow. Dia dulu mengacak-acak rambutku dan memanggilku "adik perempuan," ingatnya, dan tiba-tiba ada air mata di matanya."

--- George R. R. Martin

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell's grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan's stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow's smile. He used to mess my hair and call me "little sister," she remembered, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes.