1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Gretchen Mol: "Dengan hal televisi Anda memiliki waktu tenang di mana...

"Dengan hal televisi Anda memiliki waktu tenang di mana Anda tidak dengan karakter. Dan ketika Anda mendapatkan halaman-halaman pertama itu, Anda seperti, "Siapa dia lagi? Hah? Di mana kita pergi?" Kemudian Anda muncul di read-through dan tiba-tiba suara ada di sana, dan Anda menyadari bahwa karakter itu masih kesal sepanjang waktu Anda, bahkan di waktu senggang."

--- Gretchen Mol

Versi Bahasa Inggris

With the television thing you have this lull of time where you're not with the character. And when you get those first pages, you're like, "Who is she again? Huh? Where did we leave off?" Then you show up at the read-through and all of the sudden the voice is there, and you realize that the character is still stewing in you all that time, even in the downtime.