1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Haroon Moghul: "Ada tiga cerita yang mendasar bagi narasi Islam di man...

"Ada tiga cerita yang mendasar bagi narasi Islam di mana wanita, dan dalam dua dari tiga kasus, wanita lajang, bukan hanya bagian dari cerita. Mereka berada di pusat cerita. Namun, itu bukanlah sesuatu yang Anda bayangkan benar jika Anda mengamati dunia Muslim dari luar atau dari dalam. Sebagian alasannya adalah kita tidak menganggap serius teks kita. Kami tidak menganggap serius kisah kami. Kami hampir takut memikirkan pikiran yang rumit."

--- Haroon Moghul

Versi Bahasa Inggris

There are three stories that are foundational to the Islamic narrative in which women, and in two of the three cases, single women, are not just part of the story. They're at the very center of the story. Yet, that is not something that you would imagine to be true if you survey the Muslim world from the outside or from the inside. Part of the reason is that we don't really take our text seriously. We don't take our stories seriously. We're almost afraid of thinking complicated thoughts.