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Heinrich Zschokke: "Kekuatan benda-benda, makhluk-makhluk Semesta, sal...

"Kekuatan benda-benda, makhluk-makhluk Semesta, saling menembus, memecah-belah, dan mempersatukan diri menurut hukum abadi. Tetapi hukum-hukum Alam, untuk berbicara menurut cara manusia, Pikiran Allah, di mana semua hidup, yaitu, Dia adalah."

--- Heinrich Zschokke

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The forces of things, the beings of the Universe, interpenetrate, divide and unite themselves according to eternal laws. But the laws of Nature are, to speak after the manner of men, Thoughts of God, in which all lives, that is to say, He is.