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Henry David Thoreau: "Di sana mereka hidup terus, orang-orang New Engl...

"Di sana mereka hidup terus, orang-orang New England itu, kehidupan petani, ayah dan kakek dan kakek buyut, terus-menerus tanpa suara, mengikuti tradisi, dan berharap, selain cuaca cerah dan panen berlimpah, kami tidak tahu apa. Mereka puas hidup, karena itu dibuat sedemikian rupa untuk mereka, dan di mana garis mereka telah jatuh."

--- Henry David Thoreau

Versi Bahasa Inggris

There they lived on, those New England people, farmer lives, father and grandfather and great-grandfather, on and on without noise, keeping up tradition, and expecting, beside fair weather and abundant harvests, we did not learn what. They were contented to live, since it was so contrived for them, and where their lines had fallen.