1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Herbert Marcuse: "Sang filsuf ... subjek mengalami penilaian kritisnya...

"Sang filsuf ... subjek mengalami penilaian kritisnya, dan ini mengandung penilaian nilai yaitu, bahwa kebebasan dari kerja keras lebih disukai daripada kerja keras, dan kehidupan yang cerdas lebih disukai daripada kehidupan yang bodoh. Kebetulan filsafat lahir dengan nilai-nilai ini. Pemikiran ilmiah harus memutuskan penyatuan penilaian dan analisis nilai ini, karena semakin jelas bahwa nilai-nilai filosofis tidak memandu organisasi masyarakat."

--- Herbert Marcuse

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The philosopher ... subjects experience to his critical judgment, and this contains a value judgment namely, that freedom from toil is preferable to toil, and an intelligent life is preferable to a stupid life. It so happened that philosophy was born with these values. Scientific thought had to break this union of value judgment and analysis, for it became increasingly clear that the philosophic values did not guide the organisation of society.