1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Holly Madison: "Semua kelinci Playboy selalu diingatkan bahwa acara TV...

"Semua kelinci Playboy selalu diingatkan bahwa acara TV itu adalah acara Hugh Hefner - kontribusi kami tidak relevan. Kami adalah lapisan gula dekoratif, bukan kue. Menurut pacar kami, dia bisa memercikkan tiga pirang di layar dan menemukan kesuksesan instan."

--- Holly Madison

Versi Bahasa Inggris

All Playboy bunnies were constantly reminded that the TV show was Hugh Hefner's show - our contributions were irrelevant. We were the decorative icing, not the cake. According to our boyfriend, he could have splashed any three blondes on-screen and found instant success.