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Horace Walpole: "Di ruang tamu [istana Ratu] digantung Venus dan Cupid...

"Di ruang tamu [istana Ratu] digantung Venus dan Cupid oleh Michaelangelo, di mana, alih-alih sedikit gorden, pelukis telah menempatkan kaki Cupid di antara paha Venus. Ratu Caroline bertanya kepada Jenderal Guise, seorang ahli tua, apakah itu bukan bagian yang sangat bagus? Dia menjawab, "Nyonya, pelukis itu bodoh, karena dia telah meletakkan kaki di mana tangan seharusnya berada."

--- Horace Walpole

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In the drawing room [of the Queen's palace] hung a Venus and Cupid by Michaelangelo, in which, instead of a bit of drapery, the painter has placed Cupid's foot between Venus's thighs. Queen Caroline asked General Guise, an old connoisseur, if it was not a very fine piece? He replied "Madam, the painter was a fool, for he has placed the foot where the hand should be.