1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Ilona Andrews: "Kelopak mata yang berat tersentak terbuka. Jack membek...

"Kelopak mata yang berat tersentak terbuka. Jack membeku. Mata emas-dan-kuning besar, sebesar piring makan, menatapnya. Murid gelap menyusut, fokus. Jack berdiri diam. Kepala kolosal berbalik, bibir bersisik hanya tiga kaki dari Jack. Mata emas itu menatapnya, berputar-putar dengan warna berapi-api. Jack menarik napas kecil dan pendek. Jangan berkedip. Jangan berkedip ... Dua hembusan angin meletus dari lubang hidung wyvern, Jack melompat tegak, melompat dari tanah ke lompatan lain, dan bergegas naik ke pohon terdekat. Di tanah terbuka, Gaston membungkuk, tertawa terbahak-bahak seperti orang idiot. 'Itu tidak lucu!"

--- Ilona Andrews

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The heavy eyelids snapped open. Jack froze. A huge gold-and-amber eye, as big as a dinner plater, stared at him. The dark pupil shrank, focusing. Jack stood very still. The colossal head turned, the scaled lip only three feet from Jack. The golden eyes gazed at him, wirling with fiery color. Jack breathed in tiny, shallow breaths. Dont blink. Don't blink... Two gusts of wind erutped from the wyvern's nostrils Jack jumped straight up, bounced off the ground into another jump, and scrambled up the nearest tree. In the clearing, Gaston bent over, guffawing like an idiot. 'It's not funny!