1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Isabel Wilkerson: "Menurut saya, itulah salah satu kerugian terbesar b...

"Menurut saya, itulah salah satu kerugian terbesar bagi keluarga Afrika-Amerika, yaitu orang-orang, begitu mereka pergi, mereka berpaling dari Selatan. Mereka tidak melihat ke belakang, dan mereka sering tidak memberi tahu anak-anak mereka tentang hal itu. Mereka tidak ingin membicarakannya. Itu terlalu menyakitkan, apa yang telah mereka lalui dan sistem kasta di Selatan, yaitu Jim Crow."

--- Isabel Wilkerson

Versi Bahasa Inggris

That's one of the biggest losses, I think, to African American families, is that people, once they left, they turned away from the South. They didn't look back, and they often didn't tell their children about it. They didn't want to talk about it. It was too painful, what they'd gone through and the caste system of the South, which was Jim Crow.