1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Jamaica Kincaid: "Yang perlu diingat tentang Deklarasi Kemerdekaan dan...

"Yang perlu diingat tentang Deklarasi Kemerdekaan dan profesi kebebasan adalah bahwa itu ditulis oleh orang-orang yang cukup bebas dan yang dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang tidak bebas. Orang-orang yang menulis Deklarasi Kemerdekaan benar-benar ventrilokui. Obsesi terhadap kebebasan tidak masuk akal ketika itu berlaku untuk mereka."

--- Jamaica Kincaid

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The thing to remember about the Declaration of Independence and the profession of freedom is that it was written by people who were quite free and who were surrounded by people who were not free. The people who wrote the Declaration of Independence were ventriloquists really. The obsession with freedom makes no sense when it applies to them.