1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

James Ponsoldt: "Dengan Rodham, misalnya, ia harus bekerja pada level...

"Dengan Rodham, misalnya, ia harus bekerja pada level emosional. Itu harus bekerja pada level karakter. Jika itu hanya "Lihat, ada orang-orang terkenal," maka itu museum lilin hidup kembali dan itu benar-benar membosankan. Ini seperti apa yang mereka katakan tentang fiksi ilmiah dan horor di mana yang benar-benar bagus, jika Anda menghilangkan elemen itu, itu masih harus bekerja. Itulah alasan The Shining bekerja atau Baby atau Blade Runner Rosemary."

--- James Ponsoldt

Versi Bahasa Inggris

With Rodham, for instance, it has to work on an emotional level. It has to work on a character level. If it's only "Look, it has famous people," then it's a wax museum come to life and that's really boring. It's sort of like what they say about science fiction and horror where the really good ones, if you remove that element of it, it still has to work. That's the reason The Shining works or Rosemary's Baby or Blade Runner.