1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Janet Fitch: "Ketika kebanyakan orang memandang Josie Tyrell, mereka h...

"Ketika kebanyakan orang memandang Josie Tyrell, mereka hanya melihat kumpulan tulang tertentu, sejumlah formulir mengisi ruang. Tetapi Michael melihat melewati mulut dan mata, arsitektur tubuh, topeng kedagingannya. Anak laki-laki lain cukup senang menikmati pertunjukan, mereka hanya ingin dihibur di teater bayangan tubuh. Tetapi Michael harus kembali ke panggung. Dia pergi ke tambang, ke dalam kegelapan, dan membawa emas, dirimu yang baru, diri yang lebih baik. Tapi apa gunanya jika dia hanya akan meninggalkannya?"

--- Janet Fitch

Versi Bahasa Inggris

When most people looked at Josie Tyrell, they only saw a certain collection of bones, a selection of forms filling space. But Michael saw past the mouth and the eyes, the architecture of the body, her fleshly masquerade. Other boys were happy enough to enjoy the show, they just wanted to be entertained in the body's shadow theater. But Michael had to come backstage. He went down into the mines, into the dark, and brought up the gold, your new self, a better self. But what good was it if he was just going to leave her behind?