1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Jean Charest: "Kami lebih suka melihat kepemilikan di tangan Maple Gro...

"Kami lebih suka melihat kepemilikan di tangan Maple Group, jika hanya karena kami lebih suka melihat kepemilikan Kanada atas bursa saham kami. Yang pertama-tama kami minati adalah memastikan bahwa Montreal mampu mempertahankan ceruk atau keahlian itu."

--- Jean Charest

Versi Bahasa Inggris

We would much prefer to see ownership in the hands of the Maple Group, if only because we would much rather see Canadian ownership of our stock exchange. What we are first of all interested in is making sure that Montreal is able to preserve that niche or expertise.