1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Joe Arpaio: "Saya bisa akrab dengan para Hispanik. Bahkan, saya yakin...

"Saya bisa akrab dengan para Hispanik. Bahkan, saya yakin ingin bertemu mereka, bahkan para politisi, mungkin di ruang belakang atau apa pun, memiliki beberapa gelas bir dan mencoba menjelaskan. Tetapi mereka perlu memahami bahwa saya menegakkan hukum. Saya ingin mendengarkan mereka dan mendengar masalah mereka. Saya ingin mereka memberi tahu saya apa masalah mereka."

--- Joe Arpaio

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I can get along great with the Hispanics. In fact, I sure would like to meet them, even the politicians, maybe in the back room or whatever, have a couple of beers and try to explain. But they need to understand that I enforce the laws. I want to listen to them and hear their problems. I want them to tell me what their problems are.