1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Joe Barton: "Komisi Pengaturan Nuklir terus-menerus meninjau rencana k...

"Komisi Pengaturan Nuklir terus-menerus meninjau rencana keselamatannya untuk 100 reaktor nuklir sipil yang beroperasi di Amerika Serikat. Dan ketika pabrik-pabrik itu dioperasikan, mereka diharuskan memiliki sistem keselamatan berlebih ganda dan tiga."

--- Joe Barton

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is continually reviewing its safety plan for the 100-plus operating civilian nuclear reactors in the United States. And when those plants were put into operation, they were required to have double and triple redundant safety systems.