1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

John C. Bogle: "Skandal dana menyoroti fakta bahwa manajer reksa dana...

"Skandal dana menyoroti fakta bahwa manajer reksa dana menempatkan kepentingan mereka di atas pemegang saham dana yang mempercayai mereka, yang memiliki konsekuensi jauh lebih besar dalam bentuk biaya yang berlebihan dan promosi - ketika pasar bergerak ke stratosfer - dana teknologi dan dana ekonomi baru yang segera runtuh."

--- John C. Bogle

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The fund scandals shined the spotlight on the fact that mutual fund managers were putting their interests ahead of the fund shareholders who trusted them, which had much more substantial consequences in the form of excessive fees and the promotion - as the market moved into the stratosphere - of technology funds and new economy funds which were soon to collapse.