1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

John Lennon: "Ada sedikit penyanyi asli, Anda tahu, meskipun saya sedi...

"Ada sedikit penyanyi asli, Anda tahu, meskipun saya sedikit menyukai Dominic Behan dan ada beberapa hal bagus untuk didengar di Liverpool. Hanya sesekali Anda mendengar rekaman yang sangat tua di radio atau TV pekerja nyata di Irlandia atau di suatu tempat menyanyikan lagu-lagu ini dan kekuatan mereka sangat fantastis."

--- John Lennon

Versi Bahasa Inggris

There were very few real folk singers you know, though I liked Dominic Behan a bit and there was some good stuff to be heard in Liverpool. Just occasionally you hear very old records on the radio or TV of real workers in Ireland or somewhere singing these songs and the power of them is fantastic.