John Rawls: "Bagaimana Madison mendapat pemisahan melalui Virginia dan...
"Bagaimana Madison mendapat pemisahan melalui Virginia dan kemudian Kongres? Kaum Baptis, Presbiterian, dan sekte-sekte yang lebih kecil membenci Jefferson; bagi mereka dia adalah seorang sekularis dari jenis terburuk. Tetapi Madison dapat meloloskan RUU Jefferson karena kaum Baptis, Presbiterian, dan sekte-sekte kecil yang tidak termasuk di New England dan di Selatan berkumpul untuk melindungi diri mereka sendiri."
--- John RawlsVersi Bahasa Inggris
How did Madison get separation through Virginia and later Congress? The Baptists, the Presbyterians, and the smaller sects hated Jefferson; to them he was a secularist of the worst kind. But Madison could get Jefferson's bill passed because the Baptists, the Presbyterians, and smaller sects who were excluded in New England and in the South got together for their own protection.
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