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Jonathan Sacks: "Anti-Semitisme paling baik dipahami sebagai virus. Ti...

"Anti-Semitisme paling baik dipahami sebagai virus. Tidak memiliki logika. Orang Yahudi dibenci karena mereka kaya dan karena mereka miskin; karena mereka kapitalis dan karena mereka komunis; karena mereka berpegang teguh pada keyakinan kuno dan karena mereka adalah kosmopolitan yang tak berakar, tidak percaya apa pun. Benci tidak membutuhkan logika. Itu adalah penyakit jiwa."

--- Jonathan Sacks

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Anti-Semitism is best understood as a virus. It has no logic. Jews were hated because they were rich and because they were poor; because they were capitalists and because they were communists; because they held tenaciously to an ancient faith and because they were rootless cosmopolitans, believing nothing. Hate needs no logic. It is a sickness of the soul.