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Jonathan Sacks: "Di Eropa pasca-pencerahan abad ke-19 otoritas terting...

"Di Eropa pasca-pencerahan abad ke-19 otoritas tertinggi bukan lagi Gereja. Sebaliknya itu sains. Maka lahirlah anti-Semitisme rasial, berdasarkan dua disiplin ilmu yang dianggap sebagai ilmu pengetahuan pada zaman mereka - 'studi ilmiah tentang ras' dan Darwinisme Sosial dari Herbert Spencer dan Ernst Haeckel."

--- Jonathan Sacks

Versi Bahasa Inggris

In the post-enlightenment Europe of the 19th century the highest authority was no longer the Church. Instead it was science. Thus was born racial anti-Semitism, based on two disciplines regarded as science in their day - the 'scientific study of race' and the Social Darwinism of Herbert Spencer and Ernst Haeckel.