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Juan Williams: "Saya pikir posisi [Barack Obama] presiden sangat jelas...

"Saya pikir posisi [Barack Obama] presiden sangat jelas di Suriah. Dia ingin lebih agresif, dia menempatkan Ops Khusus di tanah, sebenarnya salah satu kritik Republik adalah dia punya ribuan orang Amerika di sana. Kami hanya tidak menyebut mereka pasukan di tanah, kami tidak mengakuinya. Tetapi mereka ada di sana."

--- Juan Williams

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think the president's [Barack Obama] position has been very clear on Syria. He wants more aggressive, he's put the Special Ops on the ground, in fact one of the Republican criticisms is he's got thousands of Americans there. We just don't call them troops on the ground, we don't admit to it. But they are there.