1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Judy Woodruff: "Saya pikir orang dapat melihat program [Donald] Trump...

"Saya pikir orang dapat melihat program [Donald] Trump seolah-olah elemen bailout tahun 2009 sangat besar, dan sekarang diperluas ke kedua bahan bakar fosil, dan, di sisi lain, program infrastruktur, yang merupakan elemen kunci dari sisi pengeluaran program Trump."

--- Judy Woodruff

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think one can see the [Donald] Trump program as if it were that element of the bailout of 2009 writ very large, and now extended out towards both fossil fuels, and, on the other hand, the infrastructure program, which is such a key element of the spending side of the Trump program.