1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Julia Stiles: "Ketika Paul [Greengrass] menulis, dia mengirimi saya id...

"Ketika Paul [Greengrass] menulis, dia mengirimi saya ide-ide cerita yang dia miliki. Dia terutama tertarik pada gerakan sosial dan revolusi yang telah terjadi di seluruh dunia, dan bagaimana komputer dan internet telah membantu gerakan-gerakan itu. Dia mendorong saya untuk membaca buku tentang Anonymous, kelompok peretas yang disebut peretas "topi putih", yang berarti mereka didorong oleh ideologi dan gangguan sosial yang bertentangan dengan keserakahan."

--- Julia Stiles

Versi Bahasa Inggris

When Paul [Greengrass] was writing, he'd send me story ideas that he had. He was particularly interested in social movements and revolutions that had been happening all over the world, and how computers and the internet had helped those movements. He encouraged me to read a book about Anonymous, the hacker group called "white hat" hackers, meaning they're driven by ideology and social disruption as opposed to just greed.