1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Julie Payette: "Ilmu pengetahuan di balik Interstellar menarik, karena...

"Ilmu pengetahuan di balik Interstellar menarik, karena beberapa di antaranya benar-benar astrofisika dan mekanika orbital, beberapa di antaranya adalah fisika teoretis, dan beberapa di antaranya sepenuhnya Hollywood. Ketika film fiksi ilmiah didasarkan pada sains yang masuk akal, itu sangat bagus."

--- Julie Payette

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The science behind Interstellar is interesting, because some of it is absolutely real astrophysics and orbital mechanics, some of it is theoretical physics, and some of it is completely Hollywood. When a science fiction movie is based on plausible science, it's really good.