1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Karl Marx: "Dengan aristokrasi keuangan di sini harus dipahami bukan h...

"Dengan aristokrasi keuangan di sini harus dipahami bukan hanya promotor pinjaman besar dan spekulan dalam dana publik, sehubungan dengan siapa jelas bahwa kepentingan mereka bertepatan dengan kepentingan kekuasaan negara. Semua keuangan modern, seluruh bisnis perbankan, terjalin erat dengan kredit publik."

--- Karl Marx

Versi Bahasa Inggris

By the aristocracy of finance must here be understood not merely the great loan promoters and speculators in public funds, in regard to whom it is immediately obvious that their interests coincide with the interests of the state power. All modern finance, the whole of the banking business, is interwoven in the closest fashion with public credit.