1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Kazuo Ishiguro: "Saya bisa melihat, "kata Miss Emily," bahwa...

"Saya bisa melihat, "kata Miss Emily," bahwa mungkin Anda seolah-olah hanya bidak dalam permainan. Pasti bisa dilihat seperti itu. Tapi pikirkan itu. Anda adalah pion yang beruntung. Ada iklim tertentu dan sekarang hilang. Anda harus menerima bahwa terkadang itulah yang terjadi di dunia. Pendapat orang, perasaan mereka, mereka pergi satu arah, lalu yang lain. Kebetulan Anda tumbuh pada titik tertentu dalam proses ini. ' "Mungkin hanya beberapa tren yang datang dan pergi," kataku. "Tapi bagi kita, ini hidup kita."

--- Kazuo Ishiguro

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I can see,’ Miss Emily said, ‘that it might look as though you were simply pawns in a game. It can certainly be looked at like that. But think of it. You were lucky pawns. There was a certain climate and now it’s gone. You have to accept that sometimes that’s how things happen in the world. People’s opinions, their feelings, they go one way, then the other. It just so happens you grew up at a certain point in this process.’ ‘It might be just some trend that came and went,’ I said. ‘But for us, it’s our life.