1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Keiichi Tsuchiya: "Anda rem lalu putar roda, injak kopling, dan tarik...

"Anda rem lalu putar roda, injak kopling, dan tarik rem-e. Lepaskan e-brake, masuk ke mode countersteer, lalu tunggu. Tunggu sampai Anda tahu mobil menghadap ke arah keluar sudut. kemudian Anda tersenyum dan membanting gas saat Anda keluar dari sudut."

--- Keiichi Tsuchiya

Versi Bahasa Inggris

You brake and then turn the wheel, step on the clutch, and pull the e-brake. Release the e-brake, go into countersteer mode, then wait. Wait until you know the car is facing the corner exit direction. then you smile and slam on the gas as you exit the corner.