1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Kim Edwards: "Norah memandang wajah mungil putranya, terkejut, seperti...

"Norah memandang wajah mungil putranya, terkejut, seperti biasa, dengan namanya. dia belum tumbuh ke dalamnya, dia masih mengenakannya seperti gelang, sesuatu yang mungkin dengan mudah lepas dan menghilang. Dia telah membaca tentang orang - di mana? dia juga tidak dapat mengingat hal ini - yang menolak untuk menyebutkan nama anak-anak mereka selama beberapa minggu, merasa mereka belum ada di bumi, masih diskorsing antara dua dunia."

--- Kim Edwards

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Norah looked at her son’s tiny face, surprised, as always, by his name. he had not grown into it yet, he still wore it like a wrist band, something that might easily slip off and disappear. She had read about people – where? she could not remember this either – who refused to name their children for several weeks, feeling them to be not yet of the earth, suspended still between two worlds.