1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Lauren Oliver: "Semua itu sangat aneh, pikir Pak Gray, ketika ia menye...

"Semua itu sangat aneh, pikir Pak Gray, ketika ia menyeka tabung kopi dengan spons. Sangat, sangat misterius. Anda dilahirkan; Anda hidup seumur hidup; dan pada akhirnya, Anda berakhir di tabung kopi. "Ah, well," katanya keras-keras. "Begitulah keadaannya. Hidup ini bisnis yang lucu." Kematian, menurutnya, adalah garis pukulan."

--- Lauren Oliver

Versi Bahasa Inggris

It was all very strange, Mr. Gray thought, as he wiped the coffee canister clean with a sponge. Very, very mysterious. You were born; you lived a whole life; and at the end, you wound up in a coffee canister. "Ah, well," he said out loud quietly. "That's just the way things are. Life's a funny business." Death, he supposed, was the punch line.