1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Leonardo DiCaprio: "Jelas, kita menekan hal-hal, emosi, hal-hal di sia...

"Jelas, kita menekan hal-hal, emosi, hal-hal di siang hari - pikiran yang jelas kita belum cukup pikirkan, dan dalam keadaan tidur ketika alam bawah sadar kita, atau pikiran hanya secara acak menembakkan struktur cerita surealis yang berbeda, dan ketika kita bangun kita harus memperhatikan hal-hal ini."

--- Leonardo DiCaprio

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Obviously, we suppress things, emotions, things during the day - thoughts that we obviously haven't thought through enough, and in that state of sleep when our subconscious, or mind just sort of randomly fires off different surreal story structures, and when we wake up we should pay attention to these things.