1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Lisa Kleypas: "Salah satu pelayan melaporkan bahwa Daisy telah menyeli...

"Salah satu pelayan melaporkan bahwa Daisy telah menyelinap di sekitar rumah pada malam hari, dengan sengaja menjebak semua perangkap untuk menjaga agar tikus tidak terbunuh. "Apakah ini benar, putri?" Thomas Bowman bergemuruh, tatapannya dipenuhi amarah saat dia menatap Daisy. "Bisa jadi," dia mengizinkan. "Tapi ada penjelasan lain." "Dan apa itu?" Tanya Bowman masam. Nada suaranya berubah menjadi ucapan selamat. "Saya pikir kita menjadi tuan rumah tikus paling cerdas di New York!"

--- Lisa Kleypas

Versi Bahasa Inggris

One of the servants had reported that Daisy had been sneaking around the house at night, deliberately tripping all the traps to keep the mice from being killed. “Is this true, daughter?” Thomas Bowman had rumbled, his gaze filled with ire as he stared at Daisy. “It could be,” she had allowed. “But there is another explanation.” “And what is that?” Bowman had asked sourly. Her tone turned congratulatory. “I think we are hosting the most intelligent mice in New York!