1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Lucy Maud Montgomery: "Malam itu cerah dan beku, semua kayu hitam baya...

"Malam itu cerah dan beku, semua kayu hitam bayangan dan perak lereng bersalju; bintang-bintang besar bersinar di atas sawah yang sunyi; di sana-sini pohon cemara runcing berdiri dengan salju membasahi dahan mereka dan angin bersiul di antara mereka."

--- Lucy Maud Montgomery

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The night was clear and frosty, all ebony of shadow and silver of snowy slope; big stars were shining over the silent fields; here and there the dark pointed firs stood up with snow powdering their branches and the wind whistling through them.