1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Lynn Westmoreland: "Saya berbicara dengan Jenderal Downer tentang bebe...

"Saya berbicara dengan Jenderal Downer tentang beberapa dana tentang Pengawal Nasional dan beberapa pekerja pertahanan sipil, petugas pemadam kebakaran, petugas polisi, dan cara FEMA membuat mereka membelanjakan uang itu. Kami punya masalah di sana."

--- Lynn Westmoreland

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I talked to General Downer about some of the funding about the National Guard and some of the civil defense workers, the firefighters, the police officers, and the way that FEMA is making them spend that money. We have got a problem there.