1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Lynsay Sands: "'Dear Mr. Argeneau,' "dia memulai." &...

"'Dear Mr. Argeneau,' "dia memulai." 'Saya belum membaca Love Bites, One, tapi saya akan, saya jamin itu. Saya baru saja menyelesaikan Love Bites, Two, dan saya pikir itu luar biasa. Etienne begitu manis, lucu, dan seksi sehingga aku jatuh cinta padanya, sama seperti Rahel. Dia lelaki impianku. '"Kate terdiam dan mendongak penuh harap." Apa yang akan kau katakan pada surat-surat itu? "Itu cukup mudah." Etienne diambil. "-Kate dan Lucern"

--- Lynsay Sands

Versi Bahasa Inggris

'Dear Mr. Argeneau,'" she began. " 'I haven't read Love Bites, One, but I will, I guarantee it. I just finished Love Bites, Two, and thought it was wonderful. Etienne was so sweet and funny and sexy that I fell in love with him even as Rachel did. He's my dream man.'" Kate paused and glanced up expectantly. "What would you say to those letters?" That was easy enough. "Etienne is taken." -Kate and Lucern