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Manmohan Singh: "Ekonomi India tumbuh 5,5 persen, tetapi jika Anda mel...

"Ekonomi India tumbuh 5,5 persen, tetapi jika Anda melihat 30 tahun terakhir - misalnya, 1960 hingga 1985 - kemajuan yang dibuat oleh negara-negara Asia Timur sangat fenomenal. Dalam satu generasi mereka mampu mengubah karakter ekonomi mereka. Mereka mampu menyingkirkan kemiskinan kronis."

--- Manmohan Singh

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The Indian economy grew at 5.5 percent, but if you look at the last 30 years - for example, 1960 to 1985 - the progress made by East Asian countries was phenomenal. In a single generation they had been able to transform the character of their economy. They were able to get rid of chronic poverty.