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Manning Marable: "Ada kritik internal, kritik tajam, yang sangat menen...

"Ada kritik internal, kritik tajam, yang sangat menentang [Malcolm X], dan yang sangat - beberapa dari mereka adalah anggota keluarga Elijah Mohammad, seperti Herbert Mohammad, Raymond Shareef, yang adalah kepala Buah Islam , saudara ipar dari - menantu Elijah Mohammad. Mereka mengisolasi Malcolm X dan menjauhkannya dari koran organisasi Mohammad Speaks selama lebih dari setahun, yang agak aneh."

--- Manning Marable

Versi Bahasa Inggris

There were internal critics, sharp critics, who were very opposed to [Malcolm X], and who were very - some of them were members of Elijah Mohammad's family, such as Herbert Mohammad, Raymond Shareef, who was the head of the Fruit of Islam, the brother-in-law of - the son-in-law of Elijah Mohammad. They isolated Malcolm X and kept him out of the newspaper of the organization Mohammad Speaks for over a year, which is kind of curious.