1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Marilla Ricker: "Agama bukan pahlawan hari ini, tetapi nol. Dalam seti...

"Agama bukan pahlawan hari ini, tetapi nol. Dalam setiap eksposisi produk-produk otak, Sekolah Minggu mengambil hadiah booby. . . . Manusia telah meminta kebenaran dan Gereja telah memberinya mukjizat. Dia telah meminta pengetahuan, dan Gereja telah memberinya teologi. Dia telah meminta fakta, dan Gereja telah memberinya Alkitab. Kebodohan ini harus berhenti. Gereja tidak memiliki apa pun untuk diberikan kepada manusia yang belum berada di gudang pendingin selama dua ribu tahun. Apa pun akan menjadi basi pada saat itu."

--- Marilla Ricker

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Religion is not the hero of the day, but the zero. In any exposition of the products of brains, the Sunday-School takes the booby prize. . . . Man has asked for truth and the Church has given him miracles. He has asked for knowledge, and the Church has given him theology. He has asked for facts, and the Church has given him the Bible. This foolishness should stop. The Church has nothing to give man that has not been in cold storage for two thousand years. Anything would become stale in that time.