1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Marjane Satrapi: "Bagaimanapun, begitulah adanya! Entah mereka mematuh...

"Bagaimanapun, begitulah adanya! Entah mereka mematuhi hukum, atau mereka diusir !! Dan pastikan mereka mengenakan kerudung dengan benar ... "-" Jika rambut sama menstimulasi seperti yang Anda katakan, maka Anda perlu mencukur kumis Anda! "Ayah saya benar-benar mengatakan itu."

--- Marjane Satrapi

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Anyway, that's how it is! Either they obey the law, or they're expelled!! And make sure they wear their veils correctly..." - "If hair is as stimulating as you say, then you need to shave your moustache!" My father actually said that.