1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Martin Amis: "Saya pikir kemungkinan efek beradab sastra telah melakuk...

"Saya pikir kemungkinan efek beradab sastra telah melakukan sebagian besar pekerjaan, dan masih terus dilakukan. Lihatlah buku Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Mengapa Kekerasan Telah Menurun. Ini membuktikan tanpa keraguan bahwa kekerasan telah menurun secara dramatis selama berabad-abad. Ada berbagai alasan untuk itu: kebangkitan negara, Leviathan, monopoli kekerasan, hak anak-anak, hak-hak binatang. Itu semua adalah tanda positif."

--- Martin Amis

Versi Bahasa Inggris

I think it's likely that the civilizing effect of literature has done most of the work, and still continues to do. Look at Steven Pinker's book, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined. It proves beyond any shadow of doubt that violence has declined dramatically throughout the centuries. There are various reasons for it: the rise of the state, Leviathan, the monopoly of violence, children's rights, animal rights. They're all positive signs.