Massimo Dobrovic: "Behind The Curtain of the Night adalah film kehidup...
"Behind The Curtain of the Night adalah film kehidupan setelah kematian dan didasarkan pada novel terlaris di Republik Ceko. Ini adalah kisah nyata, dan bersama dengan sutradara Dalibor Stach, produser Milan Friedrich dan Phil Goldfine, kami dapat membawa kisah yang penuh makna, penting, dan kuat ke layar lebar. Kami sangat diberkati sehingga kami dapat memotret di lokasi bersejarah terbaik di seluruh Republik Ceko dari Praha hingga Karlovy Vary dan banyak lokasi penting lainnya."
--- Massimo DobrovicVersi Bahasa Inggris
Behind The Curtain of the Night is a life after death movie and it is based on a best-selling novel in the Czech Republic. It is a true story, and together with director Dalibor Stach, producers Milan Friedrich and Phil Goldfine, we were able to bring such a meaningful, important, and powerful story onto the big screen. We were so blessed that we got to shoot in the best historical locations throughout the entire Czech Republic from Prague to Karlovy Vary and many other important locations.
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