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Matt Hasselbeck: "Seahawks baru ada sejak 1976, jadi basis penggemar k...

"Seahawks baru ada sejak 1976, jadi basis penggemar kami relatif muda. Anda berbicara tentang Patriot, atau Celtics atau, jelas, Red Sox dan Bruins. Ayah kakekmu adalah penggemar tim itu. Orang-orang telah tinggal di sana seumur hidup mereka."

--- Matt Hasselbeck

Versi Bahasa Inggris

The Seahawks have only been around since 1976, so our fan base is relatively young. You talk about the Patriots, or the Celtics or, obviously, Red Sox and Bruins. Your grandfather's father was a fan of that team. People have lived there their whole lives.