1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Maureen Corrigan: "Tanpa cacat. . . Koreografi ketat. . . Shipstead me...

"Tanpa cacat. . . Koreografi ketat. . . Shipstead mendapat kesempatan masuk ke dunia eksklusif dan melatih kacamata opera tentang ritual sosial pribadi, serta saputangan saputangan di belakang layar. . . Mirip dengan balet klasik, kekuatan Astonish Me muncul dari pasangan alur cerita melodramatis dengan rentang gerakan yang dieksekusi dengan cermat. . . Shipstead menyapu Anda ke dunia orang dalam ini keringat, narsisme, dan sihir berumur pendek. . . Transenden."

--- Maureen Corrigan

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Flawless . . . Tightly choreographed . . . Shipstead gains entry into exclusive worlds and trains her opera glasses on private social rituals, as well as behind-the-scenes hanky panky . . . Similar to classic ballet, the power of Astonish Me arises out of the pairing of a melodramatic storyline with scrupulously executed range of movement . . . Shipstead sweeps you into this insider world of sweat, narcissism, and short-lived magic . . . Transcendent.