1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Meera Menon: "Membuat potret sudut pandang wanita di lingkungan yang t...

"Membuat potret sudut pandang wanita di lingkungan yang telah kita pahami secara eksklusif melalui perspektif laki-laki - "Wall Street," "Wolf of Wall Street," "Arbitrage" - dll. Sangat menarik bagi saya. Rasanya benar-benar perlu. Dan saya merasa sangat terinspirasi oleh agenda Alysia Reiner dan Sarah Megan Thomas dalam menceritakan jenis-jenis kisah feminis yang unik. [Keduanya diproduksi dan bertindak dalam "Ekuitas."]"

--- Meera Menon

Versi Bahasa Inggris

Creating a portrait of a female point of view in an environment that we've pretty much exclusively understood through a male perspective - "Wall Street," "Wolf of Wall Street," "Arbitrage" - etc. was beyond exciting for me. It felt downright necessary. And I felt really inspired by Alysia Reiner and Sarah Megan Thomas' agenda in telling these types of unique, feminist stories. [Both of them produced and acted in "Equity."]