1,000,000++ Kutipan dan Pepatah

Michael Ende: "Ada pintu-pintu yang tampak seperti lubang kunci besar,...

"Ada pintu-pintu yang tampak seperti lubang kunci besar, ada yang menyerupai pintu masuk ke gua, ada pintu emas, ada yang berlapis dan ada yang paku, ada yang setipis kertas dan ada yang setebal pintu-pintu rumah harta; ada satu yang tampak seperti mulut raksasa dan yang lain harus dibuka seperti jembatan gantung, yang menyarankan telinga besar dan yang terbuat dari roti jahe, yang berbentuk seperti pintu oven, dan yang harus dibuka kancingnya ."

--- Michael Ende

Versi Bahasa Inggris

There were doors that looked like large keyholes, others that resembled the entrances to caves, there were golden doors, some were padded and some were studded with nails, some were paper-thin and others as thick as the doors of treasure houses; there was one that looked like a giant's mouth and another that had to be opened like a drawbridge, one that suggested a big ear and one that was made of gingerbread, one that was shaped like an oven door, and one that had to be unbuttoned.